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[Img-Dr. Mike Barbour]

With salutations to Michael Barbour PhD

Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH)

December 29, 2015              Awards & Important Personalities

Dr. Barbour is the author of several regulatory manuals and of numerous original scientific papers.

Scientific Review Panels:


Dr. Barbour has more than 28 years of experience in environmental assessment of various waterbody types including both freshwater and estuarine systems. He has researched and developed bioassessment methods for streams and rivers and has participated in field validation studies of innovative toxicity testing methods for EPA's Office of Research and Development. Dr. Barbour has provided technical support to federal, state, tribal, and local agencies in the development of frameworks for biocriteria. He has directed a wide range of multidisciplinary investigations, including thermal effects studies on the Great Lakes and Chesapeake Bay, toxicity testing of industrial effluents, stream surveys in macroinvertebrate communities in response to industrial effluents, methods development for pest (mollusk) eradication from water intake systems, and literature reviews and critiques involving computerized literature search techniques. Dr. Barbour is an expert in the ecology and taxonomic identification of benthic macroinvertebrates and has studied benthic populations in various environments, including riverine systems nationwide, the Laurentian Great Lakes and other inland lakes, and estuarine systems in Texas, Florida, and the Chesapeake Bay (Maryland and Virginia).

Dr. Barbour has experience administering environmental research laboratories, including biological and toxicological laboratories, and is currently the director of Tetra Tech's Maryland office. As director, Dr. Barbour supervises a staff of ecologists and toxicologists and is responsible for office administration as well as project and proposal management. Dr. Barbour functions in both technical and managerial areas for Tetra Tech.

Relevant Experience:

PhD Dissertation Committees:

Professional and Academic Recognition and Affiliations:

[Img-Dr. Mike Barbour]


Journal Publications:

Government Publications (peer-reviewed):



Book Reviews:

Conference Participation and Presentation:

Awards & Important Personalities                     Soil & Water Conservation Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH) Master Homepage

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