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Updated: June 12, 2023
Handbooks, Research reports, and Educational videos can be downloaded from our OneDrive (also includes historical lake water quality & predictive phosphorus models of select watersheds):
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Primary index:
Overview Limnology
Management Restoration/Protection
Management Climate change Individual empowerment
Art Culture Knowledge_Videos
Lakes/Rivers-Nova Scotia Credits and our history
Scotia Articles in the media
- Narrative on water quality of freshwaters:
& re-browning of lakes (potentially resulting in more favourable
conditions for
toxin-producing cyanobacterial blooms):
- A 2019 leading paper in the prestigious Nature
Reports co-authored by select renown paleolimnologists (Meyer-Jacob et al.,
- Excerpts:
- Dissolved
organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and water colour are increasing in
many inland waters across northern Europe and northeastern North
America. Potential drivers of this “browning” trend are complex and
include reductions in atmospheric acid deposition, changes in land
use/cover, increased nitrogen deposition and climate change. Examples
of chemical and biological repercussions of the current browning trend
include reduced fish growth, more favourable conditions for
toxin-producing cyanobacteria blooms, reduced potential for the
inactivation of pathogens by solar ultraviolet radiation, and increased
contaminant transport.
- Formal definition of
trophic status:
- Note of caution: During these times of gradual increases in the algal blooms of various species within our lakes, world renown Dr. Richard Vollenweider's advice from the 1990's is even more relevant. Click on the mp3 sound file (4-minute duration) to listen to the rationale behind the OECD Probability Distribution Diagrams
relating to the scientifically credible methodology of ascertaining
trophic states which can be achieved only in a `probabilistic sense'. Average
conditions, expressed by "average nutrient concentrations", "average
biomass values", "average transparency" do not necessarily express the
degree of variability, particularly with regard to peak levels,
frequency of their occurrence, and their qualitative nature (type of
phytoplankton). From the management viewpoint, such situations and their frequency are as important as average conditions.
- Chemical
vs Biological monitoring
- Predictive
- Primary
restoration efforts:
Emphasis should be on restoring lakes to their pre-cultural (i.e.,
modelled hindcast) phosphorus concentrations in order to minimize any
negative impacts from undue cultural eutrophication. Otherwise, it may
result in poor quality of lakes including increased algal
blooms, some of which may be toxic.
- "High
concentrations of cyanobacterial (i.e.,
bluegreen) toxins may present risks
to wildlife and humans from exposure to airborne cyanotoxins. Aerosols
may be a more direct route of exposure to public health for those
recreating or living by a contaminated body of water. There is also concern if these can be
transferred to crops growing near blooms of cyanobacteria." (Overview); (A
of leading articles); (Potential for high
biomass of cyanobacteria, WHO)
- Climate Change, and what we, as individuals, can do
- Biological
- Individual empowerment:
- What we as individuals
can do in our own backyards in order to minimize export of typical
stressors to
downstream lakes/rivers:- Watch a narrative of former Halifax County's
Manager of Storm Drainage in a
half-hour video titled, "Environmental Impact
on Water Courses" (link is opened in a new window).
The recommendations in the video will
not remove all the incremental
stressors. In practice, we prefer centralized treatment systems
with such stakeholder action.
- Comprehensive municipal stormwater treatment is not a common
practice. Laser
particle sizing has indicated that a considerable proportion of the
particulates in road runoff are less than 10 microns. This size
fraction is
difficult to capture in most stormwater pollution control devices and
has been shown to contain significant quantities of heavy metals,
phosphorus, and other
stressors which are of concern in aquatic ecosystems. In addition,
several stressors are in soluble form which may require centralized tertiary
treatment and perpetual maintenance.
Leading references, and
illuminating reports by other scientists & consultants worldwide
- (textbook) Mackie,
G.L. 2004. Applied Aquatic
Ecosystem Concepts.
Second Ed.
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 784 pp. ISBN
0-7575-0883-9. <-- (excellent undergrad/grad reference in
limnology; also includes reference tables for the more advanced
- (paleolimnology text) Smol,
J.P. 2008. Pollution of Lakes and Rivers:
A Paleoenvironmental Perspective. 2nd ed. Blackwell Publishing,
x,383 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-5913-5.
- (textbook) Wetzel,
R.G. 2001. Limnology. Lake and River Ecosystems.
Third Ed. Academic Press, San Diego. xvi, 1006 pp. ISBN
- (textbook) Wetzel, R.G.,
and Likens, G.E. 2000. Limnological Analyses. 3rd Ed. Springer, New
York. xv, 429 pp.
- (CCME) Canadian Council of
Ministers of the Environment- Water (link is opened in a new window)
- (CCME) Fact sheet for the phosphorus guidance
framework, CCME, 2004 (link is opened in a new window)
- (CCME)
Krzyzanowski, J. 2010., Krzyzanowski Consulting. Review
and Identification of Research Needs to Address Key Issues Related to
Reactive Nitrogen (RN) Deposition and Eutrophication in a Canadian
Final Report. Prepared for: Acid Rain Task Group Canadian Council of
Ministers of the Environment. PN 1450. 96p.
- (CCME)
Biocriteria as a Water Quality Assessment Tool, CCME, 2006
(Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment) (link is opened in a new window)
- (USEPA handbook on
streams) A Function-Based Framework for Stream Assessment and
Restoration Projects. 2012.
Harman, W., Starr, R., Carter, M., Tweedy, K., Clemmons,
M., Suggs, K., and Miller, C. 2012. US Environmental Protection Agency,
Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds, Washington, DC. EPA
843-K-12-006. 344pp. (link is opened in a new window)
- (NALMS & USEPA handbook on lakes) Holdren, C., Jones, W., and Taggart, J. 2001. Managing Lakes and Reservoirs.
EPA 841-B-01-006.
N. Am. Lake Manage. Soc. and Terrene Inst., in coop. with Off. Water
Assess. Watershed Prot. Div. U.S. Environ. Prot. Agency, Madison, WI.
xiv, 382 pp. (link is opened in a
new window)
- (USEPA handbook on lakes) Gerritsen, J., Carlson, R.E., Dycus, D.L., Faulkner, C., Gibson, G.R., Harcum, J., and Markowitz, S.A. 1998.
Lake and Reservoir Bioassessment and Biocriteria. Technical Guidance
Document. US Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 841-B-98-007. 10
Chapters, Appendices A-G. (link is opened in a
new window)
& USEPA handbook on lakes) Wedepohl, R.E., D.R. Knauer, G.B. Wolbert, H. Olem,
P.J. Garrison, and K. Kepford. 1990. Monitoring
Lake and Reservoir
Restoration. EPA 440/4-90-007. Prep. by N. Am. Lake Manage. Soc.
U.S.E.P.A. 142 pp. (link is opened in a
new window)
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index] |
- Homepage
- Paleolimnology: "Typical
questions that a paleolimnologist might address may include: Why did
the lake lose its deepwater oxygen, or was it naturally anoxic? Did the
lake naturally have large algal blooms? If so, then perhaps mitigation
efforts are fruitless as this is the lake’s “natural state”. At what
point in time, and at what level of nutrient enrichment, did
eutrophication symptoms become a problem? All these as well as many
other questions need to be considered in an historical context."
Eutrophication of Waters- Monitoring, Assessment and Control;
15-year multi peer-consensus studies of 18 countries of the western economies, at 50
- Top Limnology Medals
- Important
[Return to primary index] |
is the response in water due to overenrichment by nutrients, primarily
phosphorus and nitrogen, and can occur under natural or manmade
(anthropogenic) conditions. Manmade (or cultural) eutrophication, in
the absence of control measures, proceeds at an accelerated rate
compared to the natural phenomenon and is one of the main forms of
water pollution. The resultant increase in fertility of affected lakes,
reservoirs, slow-flowing rivers and certain coastal waters causes
symptoms such as algal blooms (with potential
toxicity in cases),
heavy growth of rooted aquatic plants (macrophytes), algal mats,
deoxygenation and, in some cases, unpleasant odour, which often affects
most of the vital uses of the water such as water supply, recreation,
fisheries (both commercial and recreational), or aesthetics. In
addition, lakes become unattractive for bathing, boating and other
water oriented recreations. Most often economically and socially
important species, such as salmonids decline or disappear and are
replaced by coarser fish of reduced economic/social value.
Potential sources of
Phosphorus has been reduced or eliminated in most laundry detergents
but there are several other sources as follows:- fertilizers (farm,
golf course, residential); animal, pet and bird feces; gasoline (as a result of
the addition of penta phosphates; c.f.,
Hart, 2020); wastewater
treatment plant
discharges (WWTP’s do not remove all phosphorus, and the discharge is
highly biologically available more so than other sources);
overflows/bypasses from WWTPs and pumping stations; high concentration
of septic
systems within 300 metres of lakes
and/or failures; cross connections between sanitary and storm sewer
laterals; certain industrial discharges; and high sedimentation. In
some lakes, there could be internal loading, i.e.,
re-suspension, from bottom sediments as well.
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Sewage Management
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Lake/River Management
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- Homepage
- Stormwater
- Lake
Water Residence Times
- Any potential restoration: Emphasis should
be on restoring
lakes to their pre-cultural
(i.e., modelled hindcast)
phosphorus concentrations in order to minimize any negative
from undue cultural eutrophication.
Extensive original international peer-reviewed literature
has clearly recommended restoring lakes to their natural background
values, primarily the limiting nutrient, TP (c.f. OECD, 1982. Monitoring,
Assessment and Control; 15-year multi peer-consensus
studies of 18
countries of the western economies, at 50 institutes).
The concept is also embodied in the much later CCME policy (2004) on
limnological conditions vary considerably among countries and also
among different regions, particularly the larger countries.
Consequently, the water quality objectives would differ in each
country, taking local conditions and expectations into account. In the
absence of human activities, the nutrient load and the trophic response
in waterbodies are determined by the natural fertility of soils on the
drainage basin which in turn depends on the geology and the climate of
the area in question. Ideally, the objective of lake management should
be to maintain or restore waterbodies to their natural state determined
by the basic natural nutrient load of the area in question (e.g. free
from human activities). In practice, this is not always possible."
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Lakes/Rivers-Nova Scotia
- Subfolder on lake data and models is in our OneDrive's public
folder:!Au0xeIA-MCofhTyhH_HmNC5EW7Oe (link is opened in a new window)
- Background lakes and comparisons
in Nova Scotia, Guidelines
- Lakes/Rivers
within the Halifax Municipality
- Our Studies/Reports
- Our Phosphorus/Cha
- Lake morphology
applications-Nova Scotia, and an example of an application of the OECD
Probability Distribution Diagrams for lakes in Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Paleolimnology-reconstructing
past environmental
- (external link) Extensive site of retired professor of Biology, Dalhousie University, Dr. David Graham Patriquin PhD:
Among other positives, this site summarizes various studies and
published papers, mostly of relevance to lakes within the Halifax area,
in addition to focus on the Forests and surface waters of Sandy Lake & Environs (Bedford, Nova Scotia)-(link opens in a new window)
- How
may we protect ourselves?
A message from Robert Strang, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, Medical Officer of
Health, Nova Scotia Department of Health and HRM’s Pollution Prevention
[Return to primary
index] |
- Nova Scotia Dept. of Environment:
- Halifax Municipality:
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index] |
Credits and our history
'In memory
of our deceased associates'(link is opened
in a new window)
- Shalom
M. Mandaville Post-Grad Dips.,
Soil & Water Conservation
Society of Metro Halifax (SWCSMH) with
varied assistance from our leading scientist-partners (present/past)
other professionals, mostly published/peer reviewed.
- Overview on our founding and update: We were founded on
the express encouragement of the senior staff of
the Nova Scotia Environment
Department in 1989 although some of our science-based members were active long before that. The inaugural invitation
was sent to a host of provincial and municipal bodies. Our scientific research, to various degrees, was conducted as volunteers.
- Select
compliments and requests received
- The
Challenge of Change, Our Province, Our Future, Our Choice, March